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The science of balancing the life energy in the body.
Energy is the real substance behind matter & form.
 ~Randolph Stone, founder of Polarity Therapy 
Ilene giving a polarity therapy session, holding client's feet

Polarity's holistic healing system works with the vital energy of your system. It's the art & science of stimulating, balancing & amplifying the flow of that energy in our bodies, removing obstructions to that free flow to restore balance and ease.


The focus encompasses the structural & the energetic body- that seemingly intangible yet very palpable system that surrounds & permeates the physical body- to discover how imbalance occurs & invite healing on a deep level. Uncovering where the energy is blocked, where there are stuck patterns preventing easy movement; noticing what moves & what doesn't move in your body leads the exploration to bring the energetic & the physical into balance

Polarity's active contacts make a powerful companion to Craniosacral's gentle touch. With their foundation's rooted in Osteopathy, both focus on the anatomical structure– how each part relates to the whole- while embracing subtler, energetic aspects that animate & flow throughout the body. Experiencing the movement of this energy through your body can be remarkable as pathways open to a new awareness.

As with shiatsu or acupuncture I may stimulate points on various parts of your body (though just with my hands) or use more force and create a wave of movement. Stretching, rocking & pressure-sensitive touch are used to move the energy through the body.  As blocked energy releases you may experience it as a rush through your body- an opening in your hip that activates your toes or releases a flood of energy through the body.

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the universe. ~John Muir

Polarity's Elements

Polarity's multi-dimensional elements deepen awareness alongside the bodywork, inviting you to continue the work beyond the session by refining your inner guidance system.


     Polarity Bodywork- releases the p­atterns in the physical, mental or energetic dynamics of the body  


      Polarity Yoga - movement that enhances awareness of both physical & energetic effects


      Nutritional awareness - exploring what best feeds you through cleanses & food combining

      Dialogue- verbal guidance to assist in your process, to focus & clarify what you experience

Building resources - of vitality, resilience and equanimity- is as important in this work as working through and releasing the bonds that bind the body.


Where a mechanistic view of the body breaks us apart into discrete systems, Polarity returns us to our wholeness with the proposition that each part represents the whole, affecting & in turn being affected by each part.

Thank you for your gentleness and insights. It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt such a deep sense of peace in my body and my mind. Oh, and I’ve been sleeping a lot too! I didn’t know I was so tired from the extra ‘weight’  that I’ve been carrying.                ~Christine P.

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