some of the remedies I recommend & people I rely on
A few of my favorite pain relief remedies, with explanations....
Yoga Balls! (this links to Tune Up balls, some of which I stock)
This is the simplest tool I believe all bodies should have. Placed in the triangle between shoulder blade & spine provides immense relief for anyone sitting over a computer or phone. Under the hips, in the glutes, along the legs or feet helps ease muscular issues. Mostly, just breath & allow muscles to relax, then gently roll circles, figure 8s, & then move ball to next area.
Castor Oil Packs (NOTE: Don't use if pregnant!)
Castor oil's use extends well beyond that as a laxative. It's fatty acid's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation & pain. FYI, Black Castor Oil uses roasted castor beans which I've never used. I stick with the regular.
Be aware the oil stains, so once you have a well saturated cloth & place it where you need, cover it with plastic or an old towel, then apply hot water bottle or heating pad. On the limbs I suggest no more than 20 minutes, on the belly it's said you can keep it there for up to an hour.
Arnica is well known as an herb that aids reducing swelling & inflammation. It's good for bruises, muscle aches & pains. I prefer either Weleda's or Wildwood Apothecary.
You know this, right? It's the magnesium!
Hot/Cold Contrast Showers or ice/heat packs
Alternating hot & cold in the shower (or use ice & heat packs)- as extreme as you can handle- no more than about 10 minutes total, ending with cold. Hot increases blood flow, cold works as an analgesic.
Lately I've switched to Mary's Nutritionals Transdermal Elite Compound which gets very good reviews from clients. It has menthol in it though which isn't to everyone's liking.
I've also used balm & other remedies from a wild woman in the woods of Oregon- Wildwood Apothecary. The maker is a true herbalist who does it all- nurtures, gathers & creates everything with whole plants herself, so it's small batches a few times a year.
I have a document with many of the stretches I recommend. From towel rolls along the back to pec stretches. Easiest is email me for it and I'm glad to share.
Yamuna Zake/ Yamuna Body Rollling
Frequently in sessions I suggest Yamuna's work, particularly her Foot Wakers!
Her Instagram has extensive breathwork & demos. She is the queen of body rolling, using variously sized balls to gently relieve muscle tension & correct imbalances.
For personalized Yamuna instruction & more with a focus on feet!
Melyssa Davis/ Melyssa Davis Wellness
Melyssa looks at the world from the bottom up, providing alignment & attunement to our very foundation.
Craniosacral for Babies
Lucie Mitchell/ cranionyc.com/contact
The gentlest practitioner with an enormous depth of knowledge and compassion
Nutrition/Holistic Health Coach
Jessica Ruth Shephard/ jessicaruthshepard.com
The wealth of information in her newsletter is reason enough to know her.
Herbalist & Teacher
Robin Rose Bennett/ robinrosebennett.com
Mother Earth incarnate
Charles Michener/ bcmassage
The shaman at the edge of town, in Brooklyn.
Sensitive, intuitive healer with a surprising back story
Guided Meditations
Settling Exercises offered by BCTA / Feel the Calm
offered by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Organization
from a variety of practitioners of varied length
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (in English & Spanish)
also: UCLA Mindful app
Stephen & Ondrea Levine/ Levine Talks
Guided meditations on forgiveness, compassion, death & dying & buddhism
offered Conscious Living/Conscious Dying workshops, authors of "Who Dies?"
Reese Williams -Intonation toning / On Bandcamp
Sound Healing
John Beaulieu's Tuning Forks & Recordings/ Biosonics.com
Bionic tuning forks, made & calibrated in Germany, are the only ones I use.
(including many for Self Hypnosis)
Product Shoutouts- I think these are truly fabulous
NodPod Eye Mask- weighted eye mask you don't need to cinch around your head
N.O.W. Solu Tone Therapy Speakers
and their app- ToneStream Meditation